Walking Dream Interpretation

Walking Dream Interpretation: Insights from 25 Unique Sources

walking image

Walking Dream Interpretation

(Jogging, Prancing, Strutting, Tripping) Walking straight in a dream means profits, seeking the path of righteousness and unwavering in one’s religious commitment. Walking through the markets in a dream means carrying a will, or should one qualify for leadership, it means that he may be appointed to fill such a position. Walking barefooted in a dream means dispelling distress and portraying a good religious character.

The meaning of walking in a dream implies an expression of meekness and submissiveness before one’s Lord, and it could mean seeking to earn one’s livelihood. Jogging in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Walking backward in a dream means reversing one’s decision, cancelling a commitment, or it could represent corruption in one’s religious practices. Struttingor prancing in a dream represents an ugly state of mind that is coupled with evil actions. Falling down over one’s face during walking in a dream means loss of benefits in this world and in the next. Tripping while walking in a dream means exposure of one’s ills, and suffering the consequences of wrongdoing.

To cause someone to trip while walking in a dream means ridiculing him, or delivering him a humiliating blow.

To walk earnestly and steadily in a dream represents one’s good intention. Travelling on foot in a dream means facing danger. Walking while bowing one’s head in a dream means longevity, or it could mean recovering from a long illness. Walking over the clouds in a dream means rain. Walking with a cane in a dream means old age, or an illness which will require the help of a cane. Hopping on one foot in a dream means losing half of one’s wealth. Having several feet in a dream means losing one’s sight.

If the governor sees himself having many feet in a dream, it means that he will be impeached from his office.

If one sees inanimate objects such as a tree, a rock or a mountain walking in a dream, it represents major adversities and plagues.

The movement of inanimate objects in a dream also means being dogmatic about one’s spiritual stand. Walking like animals in a dream means emulating ignorant people, seeking the unattainable, or being a hypocrite, unless if the animal is permissible for food, then such style of walking means offering good deeds.

(See Also: Jogging, Prancing, Sound of walking, Strutting, Tripping)


Walking Dream Interpretation

Walking is a classic symbol of your thought processes or progress in life; the surrounding landscape will give you a clue as to the meaning of the dream.

If you shake dust away from your shoes as you are walking, this suggests that you are breaking successfully from the past. Dust is a symbol of the earth and if you are gathering dust on your clothes, shoes or in your hands as you walk, you may be thinking about the approaching of old age. A dream limp may suggest your movement is being crippled or restricted in some way in waking life.

Always consider how you were moving in a dream and try to make the connection to your attitude in waking life at present. Are you walking purposely in your dream and do you know where you are heading? If you can answer positively to both of these questions, this suggests a sense of direction and purpose in life. The opposite is true if you are lost.

If you were skipping or dancing, you are feeling carefree but if you are dragging your feet, this may suggest reluctance. Tripping or stumbling suggests making a mistake; jumping, taking a short cut; crawling, humiliation or extreme hardship. And if you could not move at all, your dreaming mind may be reflecting your sense of being at a complete standstill in your waking life as a result of your indecision.

Running in a dream suggests impatience to reach a destination. It can also indicate a desire to please others or to run away from them.



Walking Dream Interpretation

Vision: You are walking backward: past experiences and events are holding you back. Walking forward with purpose: your self-confidence and vitality make great things possible. Are you climbing stairs with great effort? Are you (or things) “going downhill*1? Observe the other images in the dream to interpret and understand the meaning of the dream.

See Also: Step.

T: The act of walking in a dream always represents your life at present. Where are you headed (See Also: Four Points of the Compass)? What do you see? See Path, Street. Are you healthy? See Foot. What have you planned for the future? Analyze this dream carefully because it will provide good insight and tell you if your life is “moving’’ in the right direction!


Walking Dream Interpretation

1- In a dream, walking indicates the wav in which we should be moving forward.

To be walking purposefully suggests we know where we are going.

To be wandering aimlessly suggests we need to create goals for ourselves.

To take pleasure in the act of walking is to return to the innocence of the child.

To be using a walking stick is to recognise our need for support and assistance from others.

2- Walking may be used as a relaxation from stress, and it is this significance which often comes up in dreams.

If we are alone then our walk can be silent and contemplative.

If it is in company, then we can communicate and converse without fear of interruption.

3- A spiritual walk is a journey of exploration into realms we do not know.


Walking Dream Interpretation

To dream of walking through rough brier, entangled paths, denotes that you will be much distressed over your business complications, and disagreeable misunderstandings will produce coldness and indifference.

To walk in pleasant places, you will be the possessor of fortune and favor.

To walk in the night brings misadventure, and unavailing struggle for contentment.

For a young woman to find herself walking rapidly in her dreams, denotes that she will inherit some property, and will possess a much desired object.

See Also: Wading.


Walking Dream Interpretation

1. One is able to control one’s own life.

2. Commentary on the pace that one is conducting one’s life at; the faster one walks, the greater the pace and corresponding stress.

3. If com­peting against other walkers, one’s position or standing in the race is revelatory, and if one keeps walking, then one’s feeling is that the problems will be solved.

4. To walk at night says that a person is willing to take chances.


Walking Dream Interpretation

If you dream of walking rapidly in your dream, you will come to possess a much desired object.

To walk in pleasant places, you will be the possessor of fortune and favor.

To dream of walking in the night brings bad luck and times when your feelings are not reciprocated.

To dream of walking on water means that you have supreme control over your emotions. Alternatively, it may symbolize faith in yourself.


Walking Dream Interpretation

A steady walk soothes the soul and has the same effect in dreamland. If you’re in an environment that is unknown to you, then you’ll soon be exploring pastures new; this could be in the form of a new job or moving home. If you’re in the countryside enjoying nature then this is highly positive and indicates a period of peace and harmony. You’ll feel inspired and at ease with life over the coming weeks.


Walking Dream Interpretation

If you dream you are taking a walk through pleasant surroundings then you will enjoy success in love and business.

If the path is strewn with branches and other brush, you will experience hardships. However, if you manage to get through the debris then you will overcome all your adversaries and make your fortune.

To walk in the night hours brings with it much discontent.


Walking Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Walking may be used as a relaxation from stress, and it is this significance that often comes up in dreams.

If we are alone in our dream then our walk can be silent and contemplative.

If it is in company, then we are able to communicate and converse with anyone without fear of interruption.


Walking Dream Meaning

If you are walking in dreams it means that you are ready to face present and future experiences. This type of dream reminds you are a person of action and, therefore, when something concerns you, it is better to make a decision instead of beating around the bush.


Walking Dream Meaning

“Pleasant or enjoyable; Good luck and fortune approach. Evening; A struggle to achieve serenity will be hard but not impossible to overcome. Unpleasant; Worry regarding business issues. 


Walking Dream Meaning

Dreams of walking suggest progress and that you are applying your will in a particular direction. You are feeling confident, capable and powerful as you take forward strides in your life.


Walking Dream Meaning

To dream that you are walking on rough or winding paths forebodes distress due to misunderstandings. Walking at night, fear of threatening circumstances.

See Also: Street.


Walking Dream Meaning

Making progress; Living a life of faith in the Spirit; Endurance; 2 Cor. 5:7; Gal. 2:14; Gal. 5:16-25; Eph. 4:17; 1 John 1:6-7.

Walking together speaks of agreement


Walking Dream Meaning

Walking down the street in a dream expresses exploring life on foot as a slow-moving method that allows you to have more direct contact with your experiences.


Walking Dream Meaning

A walk becomes spiritual when it is a journey of exploration into unknown realms. Walking the labyrinth is a spiritual exercise in contemplation.


Walking Dream Meaning

Making progress in life under your own power, slow but steady. Independence. How you walk is a clear indication of your present situation.


Walking Dream Meaning

Peace, tranquility, contentment in life.

If two people are walking together in a dream it symbolizes complete agreement, Amos 3:3


Walking Dream Meaning

Small worries that will vanish if you tackle them bravely.


Walking Dream Meaning

See Also: postures, movement, body language.


Walking Dream Interpretation

To dream one is walking in the dirt, or among thorns, signifies sickness. To dream one is walking in the water or some torrent, signifies adversity and grief. To dream you walk in the night, signifies trouble and loss.


Walking Dream Interpretation

lucky numbers: 11-23-25-26-33-35

backward: loss of money because an old debt remains unpaid.

behind rivals: rearrange your schedule to take a different form of transportation.

crutches, on: loss through gambling.

down a dry canal: your insecurity is caused by people working against you.

riverbank: your stress level is lowering.

forward: wil have a change in fortune that wil bring profit.

gravel, on: wil suffer unless you take everything in stride.

heavily: wil be acquainted with a scientist and fol ow his research careful y.

lightly: advice from someone wil bring profit.

limp, with a: struggles and complications make headway dangerous.

muddy streets, in: only hard work wil overcome your difficulties.

night, at: annoyance at being molested, whether real or imagined.

over burning things: your feet are being tested to their limit.

slowly: disgrace dissolves into calm contentment.

speed: need to be more energetic with your winnings.

stick, buying a: attend to pressing matters more careful y.

putting weight on a: your prosperity wil be given assistance.

others: wil be slapped by someone over a dispute.

water, in: are in control of your triumph and success.

zigzag: opposition can be left unchal enged in your wake.


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