Lamb Dream Interpretation

Lamb Dream Interpretation: Insights from 32 Unique Sources

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Lamb Dream Interpretation

To dream of lambs frolicing{sic} in green pastures, betokens chaste friendships and joys. Bounteous and profitable crops to the farmers, and increase of possessions for others.

To see a dead lamb, signifies sadness and desolation. Blood showing on the white fleece of a lamb, denotes that innocent ones will suffer from betrayal through the wrong doing of others.

A lost lamb, denotes that wayward people will be under your influence, and you should be careful of your conduct.

To see lamb skins, denotes comfort and pleasure usurped from others.

To slaughter a lamb for domestic uses, prosperity will be gained through the sacrifice of pleasure and contentment.

To eat lamb chops, denotes illness, and much anxiety over the welfare of children.

To see lambs taking nourishment from their mothers, denotes happiness through pleasant and intelligent home companions, and many lovable and beautiful children.

To dream that dogs, or wolves devour lambs, innocent people will suffer at the hands of insinuating and designing villains.

To hear the bleating of lambs, your generosity will be appealed to.

To see them in a winter storm, or rain, denotes disappointment in expected enjoyment and betterment of fortune.

To own lambs in your dreams, signifies that your environments will be pleasant and profitable.

If you carry lambs in your arms, you will be encumbered with happy cares upon which you will lavish a wealth of devotion, and no expense will be regretted in responding to appeals from the objects of your affection.

To shear lambs, shows that you will be cold and mercenary. You will be honest, but inhumane.

For a woman to dream that she is peeling the skin from a lamb, and while doing so, she discovers that it is her child, denotes that she will cause others sorrow which will also rebound to her grief and loss. ``Fair prototype of innocence, Sleep upon thy emerald bed, No coming evil vents A shade above thy head.’’ 0 See Sheep.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

(1) A lamb may symbolize vulnerability and dependence - the child in you, that needs your love.

See Also: Child, sections(2) and (5).

(2) It may symbolize innocence - the beauty of yourself as you originally were, before the innocent joy of being gave way to the perplexing complications of doing, getting and achieving.

See Also: Child, section(2).

(3) Is it a lamb for the slaughter; a sacrificial lamb (the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world)? This probably reflects a longing to be rid of guilt-feelings, but it may also signify that sins can be dissolved - if we learn to forgive both ourselves and others.

See Also: Sheep.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

In a dream, a lamb represents one’s son.

If one sees himself slaughtering a lamb in a dream, it means that either his son or the son of one of his relatives may shortly die from an illness or an accident.

If one is offered a lamb as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a noble and a blessed son.

If one sees himself eating lamb in a dream, it means that he will earn his money through such a son.

If one sees himself herding sheep in a dream, it means that he will profit from a blessed money and acquire honor and fame thereafter.

(See Also: Sacrifice)


Lamb Dream Interpretation

The childlike, vulnerable, dependent, innocent, pure part of a person that Christlike has the power to defeat evil. A dream about slaughtering lambs will suggest success at the expense of peace of mind.

If wolves or dogs are tearing lambs apart, it means innocent people are suffering at the hands of unscrupulous others. A dream about carrying lambs means that the dreamer is carrying the burdens of the people he or she loves happily.

If lambskins appear in a dream, this suggests that the dreamer or other people have been deprived of joy and comfort.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

Symbol: The lamb is the symbol of humility; innocence, and sacrifice.

Vision: Seeing a lamb: you are much too good-natured—be more assertive. Shearing lambs: beware, you are taking advantage of people! Watching a lamb being slaughtered or slaugh- tcring it yourself: your reaction to a certain matter is not as heartless as it seems.

See Also: Sheep.

Depth Psychology: The lamb usually represents tenderness, innocence, and purity, but are you perhaps the “sacrificial lamb”? Don’t wait. Expose the “guilty party”!


Lamb Dream Interpretation

To interpret this dream most accurately, please consider all of the details in the dream and its mood.

The lamb in your dream could have negative or positive connotations and it could reflect some of your personal characteristics or attributes. On the positive end, the lamb symbolizes gentleness, warmth, love, innocence, and for the spiritually-minded, the Lamb of God. More negative interpretations of this dream symbol would be that the lamb in your dream is a “sacrificial” lamb, or “lamb going to the slaughter”.

See Also: Animals


Lamb Dream Interpretation

To dream of a lamb represents a flocking in of allies and companions. Your dream may also relate to the figure of speech, ‘gentle as a lamb.’ Lamb is a common symbol of all that is pure and innocent.

To dream that you are holding a lamb in your arms symbolizes an improvement in the quality of your life.

An example may be a job promotion and financial freedom as a result of ethical means and industrious work.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of carrying a lamb, you can expect a period of solid satisfaction; baby lambs predict an uplifting experience; to see lambs gamboling in a field signifies happy domestic occasions; a dream of eating, serving, or cooking lamb indicates an increase in material wealth; to find a lost lamb forecasts the renewal of a valued friendship; to hear lambs bleating indicates new, but pleasant, responsibilities.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

In general a dream about a lamb foretells many good things.

To see a lamb playing in a green field shows that you will enjoy many friendships, and should you be carrying a lamb about in your arms this denotes an increase in wealth through your hard work and ethical business practices. Cooking, eating, or serving lamb augers well for your immediate finances.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

The lamb expresses purity, innocence, and gentleness: your true self. All these attributes are positive but the lamb may also represent ignorance and blindness.

The sacrifice of the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world. In psychological terms, it represents the desire for forgiveness.


Lamb Dream Meaning

“As gentle as a lamb” is a common metaphor brought to mind by this symbol. In a dream this symbol can indicate the Lamb of God (Christ), or being sacrificed like a “lamb to the slaughter.” The dreamer’s relationship with this symbol determines its meaning.


Lamb Dream Meaning

Warmth, love, innocence.

If slaughtered, means sacrificing thoughts, hopefully negative ones, to higher self. Better to give gifts of joy to higher self than to dwell on the guilt and sacrifice level.

See Also: Sacrifice, Animal, Sheep.


Lamb Dream Meaning

The lamb is a symbol of happiness if it is gracing peacefully or rollicking happily in the dream picture.

A dead lamb signifies unfortunate news.

A lost lamb, uncertainty and a struggle for a little security.


Lamb Dream Meaning

Dreams of a lamb symbolize that you are connecting with your childlike essence, dependent, vulnerable and/or sheepish. Or you may be venting feelings of being a sacrificial lamb.

See Also: Christ, Virgin.


Lamb Dream Meaning

A dream of similar importance to that of playing with a KITTEN; it signifies good fortune, unless you spoil your luck by your own action.

A Lamb particularly concerns your home life.


Lamb Dream Meaning

A pleasant dream about a lamb means your romantic interest has your best interests at heart.

If you have a bad dream featuring a lamb, you give too much of yourself in relationships.


Lamb Dream Meaning

1. Tranquility.

2. Gentleness, innocence and purity.

3. Intense sadness (eating).

4. Wealth is in the offing if ethical means are used in business affairs.


Lamb Dream Meaning

Purity in the sense of patience and gentleness.

See Also: Victim. Easter.

The Easter lamb also points to a new beginning.

Folklore: Domestic bliss.

See Also: Sheep, Aries.


Lamb Dream Meaning

The lamb is the innocent side of man’s nature.

It is said that evil cannot withstand such innocence.


Lamb Dream Meaning

As a baby sheep, the lamb adds the quality of innocence to the symbolic meaning.

(See Also: Sheep.)


Lamb Dream Interpretation

The childlike, dependent, vulnerable part of self; inno­cence; Christ.


Lamb Dream Meaning

To see lambs in a field means you will find inner peace and happiness.


Lamb Dream Meaning

See Also: animals, spiritual imagery in the introduction


Lamb Dream Meaning

1. Innocents,

2. Christian,

3. Jesus; Mathew 10:6


Lamb Dream Meaning

Symbolic of Christ or people, Ps. 78:71


Lamb Dream Meaning

Innocent; humble, christ like


Lamb Dream Meaning

It symbolises a child.


Lamb Dream Interpretation

See Also: Animals metaphors


Lamb Dream Meaning

To dream that you feel or bring a lamb to the slaughter, signifies torment. To dream you see a lamb, or young kid, signifies extraordinary comfort.


Sources and Authors

  1. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  2. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  3. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  4. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  5. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  8. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  10. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  12. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  13. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  14. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  15. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  16. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  17. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  18. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  21. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  22. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  25. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  26. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  27. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  28. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  29. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]

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