Bar Dream Interpretation

Bar Dream Interpretation: Insights from 20 Unique Sources

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Bar Dream Interpretation

Universal Landscape: Collective escapism.

Dreaming Lens: What kind of bar were you in? Was it a place known to you? Were there other people there? If so, did you know who they were? Were you drinking? What were you drinking? What else was happening in the bar?

Personal Focus: The primary focus of a bar is to consume alcohol, therefore, this symbol connects primarily to escapism. Because it is a public place and rooted in the spirit of socializing, there is a second layer of meaning that connects with how people interact in social environments in a spirited and uninhibited way. Your own personal relationship to alcohol and bars in your waking life will play a prominent role in how you interpret a dream that took place in one.

A dream that takes place in a bar could just as easily be expressing a need to relax, lighten up, and party as it could be a warning against the impact of choosing escapism over dealing with things with a clear head. Your reason for being in the bar comes into play with this part of your interpretation. Since one of the primary reasons why people go to bars is to meet people, a dream about a bar may be pointing to a search for some aspect of yourself that feels as if it is missing. If this is the case, the quality in question may be connected to issues that relate to your social life or public persona.

The atmosphere in a bar can run the gamut, from classy to seedy, from subdued to chaotic. Use this information from your dream to add a shade of meaning to your interpretation. The darker the feeling about the place, the more likely you are investigating Shadow material. If you are familiar with the bar from your waking life, consider that the dream is speaking directly to elements of your current experience that center around your relationship with it.

Why you were in the bar will also be a part of your interpretation. Most reasons for going to a bar fall into two categories: to meet people or drink alcohol, or both. If drinking is what is most prominent, then the theme of the dream is definitely about escapism. If connecting with others was part of your storyline, then there are some other things to consider. Any person you are with or looking to meet up with should be interpreted as a Character Aspect of yourself. If this is a stranger, then your unconscious is expressing a message about connecting with some part of you that is not yet clear. That the dream takes place where people are often drunk, may be indicating a need for you to explore why it might be necessary to bring the freedom that alcohol provides into this interaction. Are you too inhibited, or perhaps not reserved enough? (See Also: Restaurant.)


Bar Dream Interpretation

You may be expressing a desire to escape your current stressful experiences if you have a dream that takes place in a bar.

The primary focus of a bar is to consume alcohol, and thereby this symbol connects primarily to escapism. Because a bar is a public place and is rooted in the spirit of socializing, there is a second layer of meaning that connects with how we are interacting in our social environments in a spirited and uninhibited way. Your own personal relationship to bars and alcohol in your waking life will play a prominent role in how you would interpret a dream that took place in one.


Bar Dream Interpretation

See Also: Public House

1- When we dream of a bar, such as an iron bar, we should look at how rigid or aggressive we are being in our behaviour. We need to handle ourselves with strength of purpose.

2- To stand at a bar may represent a barrier to our sexual enjoyment particularly in the male.

3- The bar is a svmbol of our spiritual power, and power in everyday life.


Bar Dream Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: An iron bar suggests that we should look at how rigid or aggressive we are being in our behaviour.

To be standing at a bar may represent a barrier to our sexual enjoyment or an awareness that we should preserve the status quo in our lives.


Bar Dream Interpretation

Since strength is a feature of any bar, such an image becomes the symbol of our spiritual power, and power in everyday life. Interpretations can vary; a blockade, for instance, prevents us from wrong action, whereas a public house suggests a relaxed atmosphere and attitude.


Bar Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are at a bar, signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a no-pressure environment. Alternatively, you are wishing for acceptance by others in some aspect of your daily life. Also see “Alcohol.”


Bar Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a bar or nightclub represents a desire to cut loose from the riggers of daily life.

If you dream of falling off the wagon, then you are venting and releasing your fear of falling back into old patterns of unhealthy living.

See Also: Night Club.


Bar Dream Interpretation

Strength; male sexuality; rigidness; energy; symbol of power. What we do with the bar: how we are expressing energy or power at that time. Barring of the way: obstacle; block against our self expression. Idioms: prop up the bar; colour bar.


Bar Dream Interpretation

To dream of tending a bar, denotes that you will resort to some questionable mode of advancement. Seeing a bar, denotes activity in communities, quick uplifting of fortunes, and the consummation of illicit desires.


Bar Dream Interpretation

To dream about being in a bar represents your wish for deliverance from day-to-day anxiety and a need to move toward enjoyable activities. It also indicates that you are seeking approval for something.


Bar Dream Meaning

Gives gender-specific: In a man’s dream an iron bar might suggest an assertive nature, whereas in a woman’s dream it is more likely to signify aggression or to have sexual connotations.


Bar Dream Meaning

Material aspects: We need to handle ourselves with strength of purpose and are seeking acceptance from our peer group in some aspect of everyday life.


Bar Dream Meaning

1. Depression.

2. Facilitating depression in self or others (if serving).

3. Escape from serious matters or situation.


Bar Dream Meaning

Erotic place, forbidden place; relaxation, similar to Armchair, Bench (sometimes with erotic meaning).


Bar Dream Meaning

Symbolic of a bad environment or being surrounded by sinful people and spiritual enemies, 1 Cor. 6:10


Bar Dream Meaning

Your friends esteem you more highly than you know.


Bar Dream Meaning

(Taproom, Tavern)


Bar Dream Meaning

See Also: building metaphors


Bar Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 12-14-40-41-42-43

being at a: you wil cover up your loss of a loved one with deceptive plans.

drink at a, having a: anxiety caused by your sense of failure.

alone: obstacles block your expression of il icit desires.

company, with: control your passions without becoming rigid.

others: more highly esteemed by friends than you realize.

single women: have self-deprecating view of your sexual attractiveness.

going to a: you wil be put in prison for actions of your acquaintances.

keeper, being a: provide others means to act out their conflicts, not yours.

miss transport home from a: time for another to lead your project.

of a: you wil be guilty of foolish actions in a group.

people won’t let you leave a: other’s advice is not good for you.

stool, an empty: make room for new friends.


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about bar related.


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1. Severely limiting obstacles, often in life or circumstances.2. Feelings of territory or a need or desire for boundaries, usually protective.3. Possible emotional block, usually ...

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1. An emotional block or defensive mechanism that needs to be addressed.2. Obstacles and difficulties, usually in life, sometimes in intellect.3. A need or desire to remove onesel...

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Used to restrain one’s protective covering of safety and authority...

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(See Bartender)...

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It symblises a person of mean character who will utter unpleasant words....

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(See Bartender)...

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